Switch Your Speaker, Microphone, or Camera in a Cisco WebEx Meeting or Cisco WebEx Event/Webinar

During a Cisco WebEx meeting or event, you may need to switch between different audio and video devices if the ones you're using are not working properly or if you prefer to use another device. This guide will help you change your microphone, speaker, or camera.

Switching Your Microphone or Speaker

If you need to switch your microphone or speaker during a meeting, follow these steps:

1. Access Audio Settings

  • Locate the Mute/Unmute Button:

    • Find the Mute/Unmute button in the meeting controls.

  • Open the Drop-down Menu:

    • Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Mute/Unmute button.

2. Select Audio Device

  • Choose a Microphone or Speaker:

    • In the drop-down menu, select the microphone or speaker you want to use from the list of available devices.

Switching Your Camera

To change your camera during a meeting, follow these steps:

1. Access Video Settings

  • Locate the Stop Video/Start Video Button:

    • Find the Stop Video/Start Video button in the meeting controls.

  • Open the Drop-down Menu:

    • Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Stop Video/Start Video button.

2. Select Camera Device

  • Choose a Camera:

    • In the drop-down menu, select the camera you want to use from the list of available devices.

By following these steps, you can easily switch between different audio and video devices in a Cisco WebEx meeting or event, ensuring that you have the best possible setup for your needs. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact the Technical Service Desk by submitting a ticket at help.fscj.edu.