General Purpose WebEx Classroom Locations


This article provides information on how to access and use general-purpose WebEx classrooms. It outlines the steps for faculty members interested in teaching in these classrooms, including consulting with academic leadership and enrolling in training courses.

Detailed Information


If you are interested in teaching in one of the general-purpose WebEx classrooms, please reach out to your respective Academic Dean or Department Chair. They can provide guidance on the availability and suitability of these classrooms for your teaching needs.

Classroom Locations

For a comprehensive list of available WebEx classroom locations, refer to the "Open WebEx Classrooms List" image. This list provides an overview of all general-purpose WebEx classrooms that can be utilized for instructional purposes.

Training Opportunities

To ensure effective use of the WebEx Classroom technology, formal training is recommended. Faculty members can register for the course "PD 1714 WebEx Classroom Basics" through MyLearning or Bridge. This training covers the essential features and functionalities of the WebEx Classroom environment.

Supplementary Resources

Additionally, faculty members are encouraged to subscribe to the supplementary Canvas WebEx Training course. This non-credit course offers additional resources and information to enhance your proficiency with WebEx tools. Access the course at: Canvas WebEx Training Course.


Teaching in a WebEx classroom provides a flexible and dynamic learning environment for both instructors and students. By consulting with your academic leadership and participating in the available training courses, you can maximize the benefits of these resources.