Faculty: How to Enter Attendance
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on managing attendance for online classes using the scheduling system. The process includes marking attendance for scheduled classes and adding additional class meetings if necessary.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Mark Attendance for a Scheduled Class
Access the My Schedule Tab:
Navigate to the My Schedule tab in your scheduling system.
Select the Class:
Ensure your pop-up blocker is turned off.
Click the green check mark next to the desired class to open the attendance options.
View Class Details:
Click View on the row corresponding to the class for which you want to enter attendance.
Enter Attendance Status:
Select the student’s attendance status by choosing either Present or Not Present from the drop-down box.
Specify Absence Reason (Optional):
If a student is absent, you have the option to enter a reason for the absence.
Click on the Reason drop-down box and select the appropriate reason.
Adjust Attendance Time:
You can enter the actual amount of time the student was in class.
Adjust the From Time and To Time fields to reflect the student's attendance, which automatically updates the contact minutes.
Save Changes:
Click Save and Return to save the attendance record and return to the previous screen.
Add Additional Class Meetings for Online Classes
Add a New Class Meeting:
Click the plus sign to add a new class meeting.
Enter Class Meeting Details:
In the Type drop-down, select Class Meeting.
Enter the Attendance Date and specify the From Time and To Time for the class meeting.
Check the Override checkbox if you need to override existing settings.
Create the Class Meeting:
Click Create to add the new class meeting to the attendance roster.
Enter Attendance as Usual:
Once the class meeting is created, you can enter attendance for the new session following the steps outlined above.
Additional Information
Pop-up Blocker: Ensure your pop-up blocker is disabled when accessing the attendance system to avoid issues with navigating the interface.
Attendance Adjustments: Adjusting the times for student attendance directly affects the recorded contact minutes, so ensure that you enter accurate times for attendance records.
Contact Support: If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact the Technical Service Desk by submitting a ticket at help.fscj.edu.