How to Calculate Tuition

How to Calculate Tuition

Path: Main Menu, Campus Solutions, Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Tuition Calculation

1. Service Indicators can be a hold that prevents an individual or organization from receiving certain services or positive indicators that designate special services to be provided. Examples of negative service indicators include enrollment verification or transcript holds, and denied registration for classes.

2. Override Billing Units – check this box to calculate tuition based on anticipated units. If you set the billing units as a part of tuition calculation, the system displays the number of the student’s Projected Billing Units. You can edit this field

3. Override Init Enrl Fee – select this if you want to override an initial enrollment fee

Override Init Add Fee – select to override and initial add fee. Our policy is not to override at this time. 

4. Tuition Residency – this field displays the tuition residency that is calculated for the student. You can override the value and calculate it again to post the change amount

5. Override Tuition Group – Enter a tuition group other than the one to which the student is already assigned. When you calculate the student’s tuition using this page, the system uses the tuition group that you enter in this field instead of the previously assigned group

6. Tuition Group- Until tuition and fees have been calculated at least once, this field is blank. After the calculation, the filed displays the tuition group into which the student was placed upon calculation

7. Tuition Calc Required- The system selects this check when changes have been made to the student’s enrollment or other attributes (such as placement in a student group) that require an initial or new calculation of tuition and fees

8. Tuition Cal Date Time – the system displays the date and time the tuition was last calculated

9. Click the Calculate Tuition and Fees button to calculate tuition and fees. This time the Tuition Group and Tuition Calc Date Time fields are populated.

10. Display tuition and fees- click to access the Tuition and Fees page, where you can review changes for tuition and fees that have been calculated and changed to the student account.

  • Tuition and Fees 1 tab - displays account and item type information for the student

  • Tuition and Fess 2 tab - displays course and session information

  • Tuition and Fees 3 tab - displays waivers, the due date calendar, and any adjustment calendar and refund information

  • Tuition and Fees 4 tab - displays academic information

11. Display Errors/Warning – click to access the Calculation Message page, where you can review all the messages associated with tuition and fees calculation for the student. This field is available only if the corresponding selection have been made on the Display Errors/Warning Control page in the Tuition Calculation Controls component. These warnings do not necessarily mean that the tuition has not been calculated properly

  • Messages 1 tab – displays warnings and messages associated with the tuition calculation for this student

  • Message 2 tab – displays the academic information

12. The Academic Information displays the Career Term Data, which includes the term, career residency, units enrolled, level and academic load. You can also see the program by clicking on the link for Academic Plan and classes the student is enrolled in for a particular term by clicking on Enrollment information

13. The Display Student’s Accounts displays the student accounts. You can click on the Account Details page to shows the account breakdown of tuition and fees, balance due, and financial aid if applicable.