How to Explore Program Options (the What-If report)

The What-If report at Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) is a valuable tool for exploring potential academic programs and understanding how your current coursework might apply to different degree or certificate paths. This guide walks you through generating a What-If report to evaluate various program scenarios.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Student Center

  • Log in to the myFSCJ portal using your student credentials.

  • Navigate to the ‘Student Center’ from the main menu.

Step 2: Open the Academic Records Tile

  • In the ‘Student Center’, click on the ‘Academic Records’ tile.

Step 3: Generate a What-If Report

  • Select ‘What-If Report’ from the menu.

  • Click ‘Create New Report’ to begin a new scenario.

Step 4: Define Your Career Scenario

  • On the Create What-If Scenario page, locate the Career Scenario section.

  • Click the Career drop-down box and choose the career path you are interested in exploring:

    • Continuing Workforce Education for workforce programs

    • College Credit for associate degree programs

    • Clock for career certificates

    • Non-Credit for classes not counted towards a degree

Step 5: Select the Catalog Year

  • In the Catalog Year drop-down, select the term you wish to start the new program. This determines which academic catalog year your What-If scenario will use.

Step 6: Choose the Program Scenario

  • In the Program Scenario section, select your desired Academic Program and Area of Study.

    • Note: If the area of study you want isn't visible under a financial aid-eligible program, try switching to the non-financial aid-eligible version to find your desired study area.

Step 7: Submit Your Request

  • Once you have selected all the necessary options, click ‘Submit Request’ to generate your What-If report.

Step 8: Review the Report

  • After submission, review the What-If report to understand how your current courses fit into the new program and to see any additional requirements needed for completion.

Additional Tips

  • Consider Financial Aid Implications: Be aware that choosing non-financial aid-eligible programs may impact your financial aid status.

  • Consult Your Advisor: Use the What-If report as a discussion point with your academic advisor to better understand your options and any potential impacts on your academic plan.


The What-If report is a powerful tool for exploring different academic pathways and planning your educational journey at FSCJ. By following these steps, you can effectively evaluate various program options and make informed decisions about your academic future.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact Student Records by submitting a ticket at