Managers: How to Complete the Recommendation to Hire Form

Managers: How to Complete the Recommendation to Hire Form

Navigate to and log in with your college credentials.

Select the ‘myFSCJ’ tile.

If you are not already there, from the top center button on the page select “Employee Self Service”. 

Select the “My Forms” tile.  

Select the “HR Forms” tile.

On this main page is where you will find VNP and Recommendation to Hire Forms you have created. On the left side of the screen select the “Fill out a new form” button.  Next select the “Recommendation to Hire” to fill out.

#1. Complete the Recommendation to Hire form by filling in all the necessary text box fields. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed.




Add the Position Title in the *Description field




*Anticipated Effective Date = Date you would like the candidate to begin. Please note the actual effective date will be assigned and communicated by Human Resources.


*It is Recommended That = Candidate Name


*Be Appointed to Position Title = Position Title


Add the Position Number


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the Position Number, if the position currently exists


There are over 300 results in the Position Look Up table, however only the first 300 results can be displayed.


To make a selection of a Position Number and/or Position Reports To not displayed in the first 300 results, click on Search Criteria to open the search menu, next select the Show Operators to expand the search fields




Enter a value in the Description field and click the Search button. Click on the appropriate description to add the Position # to the form and make note of the Department to add to the form later.



Add *Salary


*Specify if the Position Is Full-Time or Part-Time


*If the position is Part-Time specify if the position is Regular or Temporary


Add Ending Date if the appointment is an Interim/Temporary Appointment


If a current College employee is being appointed specify the Position Title the employee is moving from


If a current College employee is being appointed specify the Position Number the employee is moving from using Steps 12 – 13 above.


*Specify if the position is a Supervisory Position


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the Campus Location


Select “FSCJ_Room_NBR” from the list


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the Room#


*Specify the Status Type:


Administrative Appointment – Direct appointment that does not require the position to be processed through standard College recruitment procedures. The selected candidate will be appointed to the position with no requirement that the position be advertised at some future date.

Interim Appointment - Career or an Administrative/Professional position filled on an interim basis. (APM 03-0311)

Reclassification - Reclassification of a position shall result only from changes in the duties and responsibilities, or a redistribution of work assignments that significantly alters the duties and responsibilities of a position. These changes must be permanent in nature, exceeding six months in duration. (APM 03-0701)

Reorganization - Proposals relative to the reorganization of any unit of the College shall be submitted to the supervising administrator and to the Chief Human Resource Officer (e.g. the campus president for reorganizations within campuses and centers and the appropriate Vice President for reorganizations within the district administration). The proposal shall include the rationale for and anticipated benefits of such reorganization and provide a detailed summary of changes in roles, reporting relationships and operating costs. Proposed position descriptions shall also be provided if new or revised positions are attendant to the proposed reorganization. Finalized reorganization proposals shall be approved by the College President. (APM 02-0409)

Temporary Appointment – In the event that the search to fill a Faculty vacancy does not result in the selection or in situations where there is insufficient time to complete a properly constituted search process, a temporary appointment of a faculty member shall be made. In such instances, the appointment shall not exceed one (1) academic year. (CBA Article 17-A)

Transfer – Full-Time faculty members can seek a transfer to an announced vacancy for which they meet the advertised minimum qualifications. (CBA Article 17)


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the EmplID for the following:


*Position Reports To

*Signature Approval 1

*Cabinet Approval 2


The Recommendation to Hire Form will be routed the specified individuals noted as the Signature Approval 1 & Cabinet Approval 2


After selecting the Search icon, click on Search Criteria to open the search menu, next select the Show Operators to expand the search fields



Next enter the Last Name or First Name of the employee and click the Search button. Click on the name to populate the data on the form.



*Provide the Justification for Recommendation


*Provide Remarks of Current or Most Recent Employer


Add any additional comments in the More Information field, to include a notation if documents are attached, i.e. Resume etc.


You have completed the Recommendation to Hire Form, scroll to the top of the page and click the Save button.


If you are recommending the appointment of an external/non-college candidate a resume is required to confirm the candidate meets the minimum qualifications. The external/non-college candidate will also be required to submit an application. The Human Resources Recruiter will contact the external/non-college candidate to provide instructions on completing an application.


The following steps are to Add Attachments, if you are not adding any attachments skip to step 41.


The Hiring Manager should request the interim external/non-college candidate to submit a resume. Once received the Hiring Manager should scan the resume and/or save the emailed document to the local computer.


After you have saved the Resume to your local computer you can Upload the Attachment.




To add attachments, select the Add Attachments button at the bottom of the page.




Click the My Device icon, select the file to attachment and click on the Open button.




Next select the Upload button, once the upload is complete click the Done button.




You have attached a file to the Recommendation to Hire Form, scroll to the top of the page and click the Save button.


Your selected file(s) will be attached to the Recommendation to Hire Form and routed.


Scroll to the top of the page, you will see Preview Approval and Submit. If no changes are needed to the form or the routing approval select the Submit button, you are now Finished with this form.



If you would like to insert an additional approver or reviewer select the Pending Approval link to view the approval route you’ve selected.


Expand the menu to view the approval route.




On the Approval screen you’ll see an option + to Insert an Additional Approver or Reviewer




To Insert an Additional Approver or Reviewer first determine if they will be an Approver or a Reviewer.


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the User ID


Click on Search Criteria to open the search menu, next select the Show Operators to expand the search fields



Enter the First and Last Name of the employee and click the Search button. Click on the name to add the employee in the approval process.



Next select Insert on the Insert additional approver or reviewer window. You will see the employee has been added in the Approval process, select Done to close the window.



Scroll to the top of the page and click the Save button.



Once the Recommendation to Hire has been approved by Signature Approval 1, Cabinet Approval 2, any additional approvers, Budget Approver and the HR Approver the candidate will be contacted and provided information to complete an application, if an external candidate, pre-employment screenings, if applicable, and submission of employment paperwork and official transcripts, if applicable.


Once satisfactory pre-employment results have been confirmed or received a Human Resources Recruiter will contact the Hiring Manager to advise a tentative beginning date, if applicable.

The external/non-college new hire will be advised and provided information on completing Employment Paperwork. The external/non-college new hire or part-time to full-time appointee will also be scheduled to attend a Benefits Enrollment Session.


Once a beginning date has been confirmed the external/non-college new hire will be processed in PeopleSoft and forty-eight (48) hours following the hire date the new hire credentialing information, email address and temporary password, will be forwarded to the Position Reports To supervisor noted on the Recommendation to Hire.