Managers: Completing the Vacant, New and Reallocated Position (VNP) Form

Managers: Completing the Vacant, New and Reallocated Position (VNP) Form

Navigate to and login with your username and password.

If you are not already there, from the top center button on the page select “Employee Self Service”. 

Select the “My Forms” tile.

Select the “HR Forms” tile.

On this main page is where you will find VNP and Recommendation to Hire Forms you have created. On the left side of the screen select the “Fill out a new form” button.  Next select the “VNP Form” to fill out.


#1. Complete the Vacant, New and Reallocated Position (VNP) Form by filling in all the necessary text box fields. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed.




Add the Position Title in the Description field





Date = Today’s Date


*Originator = Your EmplID


Add in the Position Title


*Specify if the position is Regular or Temporary


*Specify if the position is Full-Time or Part-Time


If the position is Part-Time specify the maximum number of hours per week the employee will work


*Employee Type = Specify if the position is a Faculty, Administrative, Professional or Career position


Grant Funded/Term Position = Specify if the position is a Grant Funded or Term position


If you specified that this is a Grant Funded or Term position enter the Last day of the Project


Specify the Name of the Incumbent


Enter the Last Day of Employment of the incumbent.


*Position Type = Is the position a New Position, Continue Budgeted Position or Reallocation of Continuing Budgeted Position Vacancy.


If you specified the position is a Reallocation of Continuing Budgeted Position specify the Position Title the position is being reallocated from.


If you specified that this is a New Position no Position Control# is required


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the following: 

Position Control# - Use only if the position currently exists


Position Reports To (Position #) - The position number this position reports to.  (If you do not know the reports to position number, you can contact HR – Talent Acquisition)


There are over 300 results in the Position Look Up table, however only the first 300 results can be displayed.

To make a selection of a Position Control# and/or Position Reports To not displayed in the first 300 results, click on Search Criteria to open the search menu, next select the Show Operators to expand the search fields




Enter a value in the Description field and click the Search button. Click on the appropriate description to add the Position # to the form and make note of the Department and Reports to Position Number to add to the form


Position Reports To (Name) = The name of the employee this position reports to (First and Last Name)


Use the Search Icon to Look Up the following:

Campus/Center Location

Signature Approval 1

Cabinet Approval 2


*Specify the Campus/Center Location


The Vacant, New and Reallocation Position Form will be routed the specified individuals noted as the Signature Approval 1 & Cabinet Approval 2

After selecting the Search icon, click on Search Criteria to open the search menu, next select the Show Operators to expand the search fields

Next enter the Last Name and the First Name of the employee and click the Search button. Click on the name to populate the data on the form.


*Specify if the position should be posted on the Career Site. Interim, Temporary, Reorganization, Reclassification and Administrative Appointments are not required to be posted on the Career Site.


*Specify if the position is being filled on a Temporary or Interim basis. If yes the candidates’ resume should be attached, see Step 39.


Budgeted Salary (To Be Determined by Budget Office) = Skip this field


*Provide Justification for Request


Provide any Preferred Qualifications you’d like to include in the job posting, max character length is 248 characters. If you need more space add to More Information.


Specify your requested Advertisement Medium(s)

Note:  Administrative, professional and career positions shall be advertised for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days. Instructional positions shall be advertised for a minimum of twenty (20) calendar days.

When specified to advertise in appropriate local or national publications, a position will remain open as long as necessary, a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days, to receive responses to the advertisement(s) and to attract a sufficient number of qualified applicants.


Provide your list of Search Committee Members. This information can be provided later but must be received before applications will be released for review.


For Faculty positions, include the courses to be taught by the selected candidate, i.e. ENC1101


Add any additional comments in the More Information field, to include a notation if documents are attached, i.e. Clearance Form, Letter of Resignation etc.


You have completed the Vacant, New and Relocation Form, scroll to the top of the page and click the Save button. The following steps are to Add Attachments, if you are not adding any attachments skip to step 45.




To add attachments, select the Add Attachments button at the bottom of the page. Typical attachments would include the Clearance Form, a Letter of Resignation or Resume.


Click the My Device icon, select the file to attach and click on the Open button.


Next select the Upload button, once the upload is complete click the Done button.


You have attached a file to the Vacant, New and Relocation Form, scroll to the top of the page and click the Save button.


Your selected file(s) will be attached to the Vacant, New and Relocation Form and routed.


Scroll to the top of the page, you will see Preview Approval and Submit. If no changes are needed to the form or the routing approval select the Submit button, you are now Finished with this form.


If you would like to insert an additional approver or reviewer select the Pending Approval link to view the approval route you’ve selected.


Expand the menu to view the approval route.


On the Approval screen you’ll see an option + to Insert an Additional Approver or Reviewer


To Insert an Additional Approver or Reviewer first determine if they will be an Approver or a Reviewer.

Use the Search Icon to Look Up the User ID


Click on Search Criteria to open the search menu, next select the Show Operators to expand the search fields

Enter the First and Last Name of the employee and click the Search button. Click on the name to add the employee in the approval process.

 Next select Insert on the Insert additional approver or reviewer window. You will see the employee has been added in the Approval process, select Done to close the window.

Scroll to the top of the page and click the Save button.


Once the VNP Form has been approved by Signature Approval 1, Cabinet Approval 2, any additional approvers, Budget Approver and the HR Approver the VNP Form will be forwarded to the Talent Acquisition Team for the position to be posted.