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Daily Spam digest email

Daily Spam Digest Email



To help prevent unwanted or unsafe emails from reaching your inbox, the FSCJ email administrator has created policies to ensure messages containing potential junk/spam content or specific attachments aren't delivered directly to your inbox. Instead, they has implemented a system where messages that may contain spam or specific attachments are held in a quarantine area called the Hold Queue. You can view and control these messages, by using the automated digest sent to your Inbox daily Instead of being delivered directly to your inbox, these emails are reviewed through a Daily Spam Digest email sent to you at 4 p.m. daily. The email will be sent from digest allows you to review and take action on these held messages to ensure legitimate emails are not missed and spam is kept out.

Using the Daily Spam Digest

The Daily Spam Digest email will come from Spam Digest <> with a subject of You with the subject line "You have new held messages." If there are no messages in your Hold Queue, you will not receive the digest email.

An example digest is displayed below.


Using the Digest

The digest lists the actions you can take to ensure legitimate messages aren't missed and that they are released to your Inbox. The actions you can take are listed below, together with details of what happens to the held messages and all future messages from the sender. Each message in the digest must be actioned individually.

Warning: As you can regulate the messages you accept into your Inbox, it is crucial for you to understand the significance of each action before deciding what action to apply to each message.




Example Scenario


Message Delivery


Future Messages


Release / Release All 

You've checked the message details displayed in the digest. You:

Are not expecting the message(s).

Think the content could be useful.


Each email listed in the digest can be managed individually, allowing you to perform one of three actions: Release, Permit, or Block.

Actions You Can Take

Here are the actions available for each held message, along with what happens to both the specific message and any future messages from the sender:

  1. Release / Release All

    • Scenario: You checked the message details and, although you were not expecting it, you think the content could be useful but do not want to add the sender to your personal allow list.


    • Message Delivery: The message is removed from the Hold Queue and


    • delivered to your


    • inbox, provided it passes virus scanning, content, and attachment policies.

    • Future Messages: Messages from the sender are still subject to


    • administrator


    • policy checks


    • and may be sent to the Hold Queue.

  1. Permit /


  1. Permit All

    • Scenario: You


    • checked the message details


Are expecting the message(s).


    • and recognize the sender as someone you


    • 've had


    • contact with


    • and are expecting the message. You want to add the sender to your personal allow list.


    • Message Delivery: The message is removed from the Hold Queue and


    • delivered to your


    • inbox, provided it passes virus scanning, content, and attachment policies.

    • Future Messages: Messages from this sender will bypass all spam checks and


    • be delivered directly to your


    • inbox, provided they pass virus scanning, content, and attachment policies.

  1. Block / Block All

You've checked the message details displayed in the digest. You:

    • Scenario: You do not recognize the sender or the message


Suspect it could be malicious.


    • content, suspect it may be malicious, and want to add the sender to your personal block list.


    • Message Delivery: The message is removed from the Hold Queue


    • but not delivered to your


    • inbox.

    • Future Messages: The sender's email address is added to your personal block list


    • , and messages from them are rejected


    • and won'


    • t be delivered to your


    • inbox.

Important Considerations

  • Regulating Messages: It is crucial to understand each action's significance before deciding what to apply to each message. This ensures that you do not accidentally permit spam or block important communications.

  • Action Expiration: If no action is taken, messages will expire from the Hold Queue after 14 days but can be retrieved from your personal email archive.

Frequently Asked Questions


What happens


if I take no action on messages in the digest?





are not


required to take action on messages in the digest. However,


we encourage you to


review them. Messages left without action will expire from the Hold Queue after 14 days


, after which they can be retrieved from your personal email archive.




What does it mean when I receive a notification after clicking an action link




The action links in the digest are


valid for 14 days.


If you attempt to release, block, or permit a message after this


period, or if the message has


already been released or blocked




, you will see a notification that the action is no longer available.

Why didn't the held message from a few days ago


appear in today's digest?



Each digest notification displays only


newly held messages


to avoid overwhelming users with


repeat notifications. If you receive many digest notifications,


consider creating a rule in your email client to move them to a separate folder.

Additional Information

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact the Technical Service Desk by submitting a ticket at